Mental illness comes in many forms, including depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and more. When someone develops a mental illness, they need to find the right treatment in order to learn to manage their symptoms. However, one thing often delays a person from reaching out to get help. They ask themselves, “Does insurance cover mental health?” If they assume it does not, they may spend months or years not getting the help that is available to them. Insurance does cover several types of mental health coverage, making it important for each person to understand their options.

See If Your Insurance Will Cover Mental Health Treatment

Does Insurance Cover Mental Health?

The short answer to the question “Does insurance cover mental health?” is yes, it does. Mental health is considered a vital part of a person’s overall health and coverage for it is considered a basic health service. For this reason, most insurance companies offer plans that cover some type of treatment for mental health disorders. 

According to, help is available in relation to mental health coverage for people who have been denied coverage. This includes those who reached a limit on their plan, including copayments, deductibles, and yearly visits, or who have overly large copay amounts or deductibles. The Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Coverage Parity laws come into play here because they require most health plans to treat mental health benefits similarly to how they treat benefits for medical and surgical needs. 

Types of Insurance We Accept