When it comes to treating mental health issues, many people find that traditional treatments like medication or talk therapy are not enough to give them satisfactory relief from their symptoms. This often leaves people wondering what else they can do to try and support their healing process. Arbor Wellness offers holistic therapy in Nashville as part of our mental health services. Holistic therapy focuses on healing the whole person rather than just treating symptoms of a mental health disorder. Many people find this to be the right fit for their overall approach when meds and talk therapy aren’t enough.

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

Arbor Wellness is an industry leader in mental health treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

What is Holistic Therapy?

Holistic therapy focuses on treating a person as a whole individual in order to heal the mental, emotional, and physical symptoms of their condition.  Mental health disorders affect every aspect of a person’s being and life. Many people find themselves affected by issues like poor eating habits, lack of exercise, isolation, and more. Holistic therapy helps clients find a balance in their lives. In addition, it improves other areas outside of their mental health symptoms. This includes feeling more physically fit, raising their self-esteem, and increasing their mindfulness. Lessons learned from using holistic therapy in Nashville can last long after treatment ends and become nurturing, lifelong habits. 

Does Holistic Therapy Really Work?

Someone with no history of using holistic therapy may wonder if it really works. Even someone who may already sometimes engage in activities like yoga, massage, or working out may not understand how doing this regularly can tie into improving their mental health. 

Holistic therapy in the U.S. began to gain popularity in the 1960s. In fact, the first National Conference on Holistic Health was held in 1975 at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine. It is now widely accepted as a viable therapeutic choice for conditions ranging from mental illness to substance use disorders to physical illnesses like cancer and chronic pain.

Holistic therapy, also known as complementary therapy, has seen an increase in usage over the past decade. From 2012 to 2017, the use of yoga by adults increased from 9.5% to 14.3%. During that same time, the use of meditation increased from 4.1% to 14.2%. 

The National Center for Complimentary Integrative Health reported that Americans’ out-of-pocket expenditures for complementary therapy products and modalities reached 30 billion dollars per year. U.S. hospitals and medical centers that offer holistic services such as acupuncture, yoga, massage, and meditation increased from 37% to 42% in just three years.

The interest in and need for holistic therapy increased a great deal during the pandemic. Holistic wellness apps experienced two million downloads in April 2020, around the beginning of COVID-19’s international impact. Interest in holistic therapy is expected to rise in popularity even as the pandemic becomes less of a threat.

Types of Holistic Therapy for Mental Health in Nashville, Tennessee

When you enroll in a program for holistic therapy in Nashville, TN, you aren’t simply signing up for one single type of treatment. Instead, holistic programs offer a range of treatment options designed to fit a variety of needs for each client.  Treatment professionals consult with each individual to see what holistic approaches may be right for them. Some of the most common holistic treatment options include:


Yoga is a great, low-impact way to get some exercise and build lean muscle mass, but it’s much more than that. Practicing yoga teaches people to incorporate mindfulness into their recoveries. It also reduces anxiety and stress, improves sleep, increases energy levels, and helps improve self-awareness of a person’s body and its needs.

Art Therapy

You don’t have to be an artist to benefit from art therapy. No matter what your experience level with creating art, many studies have found that the act of using art is extremely helpful for clients in processing negative or difficult thoughts and feelings. It also helps you learn how to express complex emotions in a positive way that leads to a deeper level of understanding of your specific issues and how to heal them.

Music Therapy

Much like art therapy, you do not have to have experience playing an instrument in order to benefit from music therapy. The act of learning how to play something helps to give your mind something positive to focus on, builds confidence, and gives you a new hobby to enjoy when you are out of treatment. Even the act of just listening to music can help people express difficult emotions and help reduce their mental health symptoms.


Often, people with an untreated or poorly controlled mental health condition feel exhausted and unable to even think about their physical fitness. You may be surprised to learn that being physically active can actually support your recovery. Exercise releases endorphins, which help promote positive moods. It can also offer benefits that come with socializing with others in classes or at a gym and avoiding isolation at home by getting out of the house. When a person’s physical health improves, it makes it that much easier to work on their mental health.


For many people suffering from a mental health condition, their nutritional health has taken a backseat while they struggle to find level footing in life. For many, this means developing a nutrient deficiency or reaching an unhealthy weight. Nutrition therapy teaches a person how to plan wholesome, nutritious meals that meet their specific dietary needs. Sound nutritional intake provides many benefits, including increased energy, improved moods, and help in healing from physical injuries.

Other Types of Holistic Therapy We Provide

Cold Plunge Therapy

Cold plunge therapy, which involves immersing oneself in cold water for short periods, has garnered attention for its potential health benefits, including some related to mental health including stress reduction, improved sleep quality, and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Sound Bath

Our sound baths are an immersive experience of sound and vibration, typically featuring instruments like gongs, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, and sometimes incorporating human voice or other instruments. During this time clients usually lie down on comfortable mats and let the waves of sound wash over them, a practice believed to have various mental, emotional, and physical health benefits.

How Does Holistic Therapy Help with Mental Health?

People who deal with mental health disorders can receive a lot of help overcoming them when they use holistic therapy in Nashville. For example, so much of having a mental illness involves having anxiety. Holistic therapy involves activities that promote relaxation and teach people how to ease anxiety. In addition, people using holistic mental health approaches often feel a reduction in depressive feelings. 

This type of therapy also includes helping people incorporate healthy eating and regular physical activity into their schedules. When someone eats well and exercises, it provides a natural boost to their mental health. Many holistic therapy activities involve being social, such as attending a yoga class. The act of being around others helps people stop isolating and rediscover the fun of getting out. 

Finally, holistic therapy is the only approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit. When used in conjunction with talk therapy and any necessary medications, it provides powerful results that positively impact a person’s overall mental health.

What are the Benefits of Our Holistic Therapy in Nashville?

When it comes to holistic therapy for mental health, there are many different benefits people can experience here in Nashville, Tennessee.  These treatments present a tremendous opportunity for clients to greatly improve their recovery from the challenges of mental illness. In addition, it can provide sustainable options for those who want to avoid using medications like antidepressants or have not had an adequate impact from using them. 

The main benefits of holistic therapy include:

  • It offers “whole-person” healing.
  • It helps to manage your stress levels.
  • It is often low-cost in comparison to other treatments or included as part of an overall treatment program.
  • You are able to choose from a variety of options.
  • Holistic therapy in Nashville can be continued after a person completes treatment

Finding Holistic Therapy in Nashville For Mental Health

If you are struggling with the effects of a mental health condition and are interested in finding more natural ways to treat it, then our holistic therapy in Nashville may be just what you’re looking for. Contact Arbor Wellness now and let us guide you through your holistic treatment options for mental health. We will work with you to build the best and most effective treatment program for your unique needs and symptoms. We can also help you understand what parts of our program your insurance plan covers. Don’t put off getting well another day.

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14:45 03 Jan 25