When a woman gives birth to a baby, the expected image is that of an overjoyed mom who experiences an immediate connection to her child. Media images convince many that having a baby results in sheer joy, and any woman who doesn’t follow this perfect plan should be embarrassed by what’s happening to her. In fact, postpartum depression is a real and serious illness that impacts the lives of many new mothers, whether it’s her first child or not. At Arbor Wellness, we treat those that struggle with postpartum depression.

If you or a loved one may be struggling with postpartum depression, call us now at 629-217-2658 or verify your insurance now.

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

Arbor Wellness is an industry leader in mental health treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

What is Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression falls under the heading of a major depressive disorder and is classified as a mental health disorder. It begins to develop within a few weeks after a woman gives birth to her baby. It can happen to females of any age. Stereotypes still exist that prove to be untrue, such as it’s just a case of the “baby blues” and will resolve itself. Additionally, some people mistake it for a sign of being a bad mother or something that can be controlled with willpower. 

Women with postpartum depression feel difficulty connecting with their babies. They experience feelings of sadness, depression, and being overwhelmed by the dramatic change in their lives. When these symptoms persist for two or more weeks, it’s important to be examined by a doctor with experience recognizing postpartum depression. 

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How Does Mental Health Treatment for Postpartum Depression Work?

Our mental health treatment for postpartum depression treatment works by using several different approaches. We treat all types of depression by offering access to multiple kinds of therapy. We offer individual therapy, holistic therapy, psychiatry, and medication-assisted treatment. The latter includes access to prescription drugs that help alleviate the symptoms of postpartum depression. We also provide other types of highly effective therapies. Because we provide inpatient care, this allows each woman to be supported round-the-clock in a homelike environment while she heals.

Don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. In the case of a medical emergency please contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.

The Need for Postpartum Care in Today's World

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 13% of women who had recently given birth said they felt depressive symptoms during the postpartum period. One in five was not asked during prenatal visits if they felt depressed. Additionally, one out of eight women was not asked if they experienced depression during postpartum care visits. 

While society has embraced the topic of mental illness more openly now than ever, a stigma still remains for some when it comes to postpartum depression. It’s important for healthcare workers to screen women for it. Equally important is the need for women to feel comfortable speaking up when they know something is not right for them emotionally. The sooner someone can receive inpatient postpartum depression treatment, the quicker they can begin to heal and bond with their baby.

Signs and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

While signs of postpartum depression vary per person, there are common ones that the woman and her loved ones should look for. She may qualify for inpatient postpartum depression treatment if she experiences some of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Consistent feelings of sadness or depression
  • Feeling helpless or guilty
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feeling anxious or moody
  • Crying
  • Change in appetite
  • Sleeping too much or too little 
  • Trouble concentrating or making decisions
  • Feeling like a bad mother
  • Feelings of anger or resentment towards the baby or the woman’s partner
  • Thinking about harming the baby or herself

Side Effects of Postpartum Depression

The side effects of postpartum depression extend beyond just the feelings a woman experiences. Her physical health and mental well-being can both decline as a result of this condition. If left untreated, it can affect the relationship between mother and child, and even cause long-term discord in relationships with partners and other family members. Many women start to isolate and even avoid their other children out of feeling hopeless or unable to be a “good” mom. 

Some women turn to abusing drugs or alcohol in an attempt to self-medicate. Postpartum depression can also cause other co-occurring mental illnesses, such as anxiety or PTSD, to worsen. As well, some women begin to self-harm or have suicidal feelings. Attending inpatient postpartum depression treatment helps women put an end to these detrimental side effects and climb out of the abyss of negative emotions.

How Long Does Postpartum Depression Treatment Last?

How long treatment lasts depends on a few factors. We assess each person for their physical and mental health. We discuss their symptoms, the severity of them, and the length of time they have had them. Typically, seeking care for 30 days or more is necessary, with many women doing better if they receive treatment from us for 60 days or more.

Benefits of Postpartum Treatment

When someone takes part in inpatient postpartum depression treatment, they take advantage of a few different benefits. Going to an inpatient facility means the woman moves into a calm, serene environment where she can let go of the daily responsibilities that make recovering from depression so taxing. Inpatient facilities create homelike settings to help women relax and focus on getting well. 

Inpatient care also provides access to several types of therapy that help people learn to control and overcome their mental health disorders. Additionally, they have access to prescription medications that can make a huge difference. Inpatient staff members include doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and other mental health counselors. Each expert has experience treating people with depression and providing the compassionate care they need. 

Start Inpatient Postpartum Depression Treatment in Nashville


Postpartum depression drastically impacts how a new mother feels and can cause great concern among her family. Fortunately, effective treatment is available that helps women feel like themselves again. Arbor Wellness created an inpatient postpartum depression treatment program that addresses the emotional and medical imbalances that come with this challenging condition. We offer several types of effective therapies and access to FDA-approved medications that help treat postpartum depression.

Would you like more information on our postpartum treatment program? Visit our admissions page now and find out how we can help you feel better. 


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