Dr. Thompson

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Thompson

Last Updated on:
April 24, 2024

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Arbor Wellness offers residential treatment centers for Schizophrenia that help individuals manage their symptoms and live well-balanced lives. With our help, people can make real progress in handling living with schizophrenia.

 Schizophrenia is a serious mental health disorder that causes disruptions in how a person behaves, thinks, and feels. The symptoms are persistent and in many people can be disabling. Sometimes people feel there isn’t truly effective help for this challenging mental health disorder.

If your or a loved one are suffering from schizophrenia, our Schizophrenia treatment centers can help. Call us now at 629-217-2658.

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

Arbor Wellness is an industry leader in mental health treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that affects approximately 1.1% of Americans as of 2020. This equates to approximately 2.8 million adults aged 18 and older. In most people, initial signs of this disorder appear somewhere between someone’s late teens and their early 30s. Sadly, only about 40 percent of people suffering from this condition get the help they need. Unfortunately, schizophrenia cannot be cured but it can be managed.

Schizophrenia affects a person’s cognitive abilities and how they are able or unable to express emotions. This mental health disorder can make it difficult for a person to participate in healthy relationships and even live on their own. Symptoms like delusions or hallucinations keep people from being able to enjoy things like careers, going to school, and other vital parts of life. This makes it important that the individual seeks help at schizophrenia treatment centers.

How Does a Residential Treatment Center Treat Schizophrenia?

Medications are an important part of schizophrenia treatment. Antipsychotic medications are the most commonly prescribed drugs and are administered at the lowest dose possible to effectively manage the signs and symptoms of the disorder. 

Other mental health medications may be prescribed too, such as anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressants. It may take several weeks for a change in symptoms to be noticeable after a patient begins a medication treatment regimen. Some clients require more long-term residential care during times of severe symptoms or crisis to ensure safety, adequate sleep, nutrition and proper hygiene. 

What are the Symptoms of Schizophrenia?

Common signs of schizophrenia can differ to some degree depending on the individual. Ones frequently seen include:

  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations (audio or visual)
  • Disorganized thinking
  • Lack of emotional responses
  • Seeming to be in a catatonic state
  • Acting withdrawn from family members and friends
  • Difficulty communicating or staying on one subject
  • Extremely chaotic behavior
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Poor hygiene habits
  • Psychosis
  • Suicidal thoughts or actions

What Causes Schizophrenia?

There are several different factors that are thought to influence a person’s likelihood of developing schizophrenia. These factors include:

Genetics: Like many other conditions, schizophrenia can run in families. Studies have found that there is not one specific gene that causes it, but it is rather the result of many different genes. 

Environment: Some environmental factors, including poverty, poor nutrition during fetal development, and living in stressful surroundings, can all influence the development of schizophrenia.

Brain Structure: Studies have found that certain abnormalities in a person’s brain structure or chemical balance can also lead to schizophrenia. These abnormalities can begin before birth or during puberty.

Types of Schizophrenia

Previously, Schizophrenia was categorized into five types. However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) no longer differentiates between the different of schizophrenia. However they are still useful in understanding the disorder.

  1. Paranoid Schizophrenia: This is the most common subtype, where individuals often experience profound delusions and auditory hallucinations.

  2. Disorganized Schizophrenia: Characterized by disorganized thinking, speech, and behavior, as well as emotional inappropriateness.

  3. Catatonic Schizophrenia: This subtype involves either motor immobility or excessive motor activity that does not fit the situation.

  4. Undifferentiated Schizophrenia: In this form, symptoms do not clearly fit into the paranoid, disorganized, or catatonic subtypes.

  5. Residual Schizophrenia: This type refers to patients who have a history of schizophrenia but currently show no prominent psychotic symptoms, though some negative symptoms may still persist.

How Is Schizophrenia Diagnosed?

There isn’t a specific test that detects if a person has schizophrenia. A physician or licensed therapist will use several techniques to diagnose schizophrenia. A big part of the techniques involves ruling out other causal factors that indicate something else is going on. A doctor will often perform a physical exam and conduct tests and screening to see if other conditions may be present. They can also screen for drug and alcohol abuse, as substance use disorders can often cause symptoms that mimic those that happen with schizophrenia. 

A thorough psychiatric evaluation will be done, which includes observing the person’s behavior and appearance and exploring their emotions, thoughts, and moods. The evaluator will ask questions about which common signs and symptoms the person experiences, such as hallucinations and difficulty with communicating and expressing emotions. Staff at professional schizophrenia treatment centers can perform an assessment and determine if a person suffers from schizophrenia.

Don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. In the case of a medical emergency please contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.

How Do Our Schizophrenia Treatment Centers Work?

When a person enters our schizophrenia treatment center, they will receive an evaluation for any needed medications. Antipsychotic medications are commonly prescribed and may be used in combination with other prescription drugs. The medical staff will monitor the person to see how they react to medications and make any necessary adjustments.

Because medications can take a few weeks or more to take effect, residential care may work best for many people. This allows the person to live long-term in our residential facility and get the round-the-clock care they need. This helps ensure their safety, good nutrition, ability to get adequate sleep, and engage in proper hygiene. 


We offer a mix of medication and therapy options to help manage symptoms. An individualized treatment plan may include any of the following options:

Our Schizophrenia Treatment Programs

Arbor Wellness provides several levels of care that help people who have schizophrenia. These levels include:

  • Residential – Residential treatment allows clients to live at the facility 24/7 while receiving treatment. In our residential program clients are medically monitored and partake in group therapy, individual therapy, and more.

  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) – Partial Hospitalization Programming is a form of outpatient that incorporates six hours of intensive treatment per day while allowing clients to live either at home or a structured living facility when not in programming. 

  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – Intensive Outpatient Programming is a lower level of care where clients partake in a minimum of nine hours of treatment per week while starting to transition back to the real world. In IOP, clients can work part-time or go back to school while still receiving structure and support.

  • Alumni Program – Just because your treatment with us ends, doesn’t mean you’re not still apart of our family. Our alumni program keeps clients connected with our program for support, accountability and help with a transition back to a new life. 

What to Expect at Our Schizophrenia Treatment Centers

Therapy provides an important part of the treatment process at our schizophrenia treatment centers. Once a person’s initial psychosis recedes, individual therapy can begin. This allows a therapist to assess a client’s thought patterns in an effort to normalize them. It can also help clients learn to cope with and identify early signs of relapse. 

During an initial therapy session, the therapist will talk about the person’s personal history and symptoms so they can create the best and safest treatment plan. The therapist will also help outline a few goals during the first session and help the person meet them within the first few months of beginning treatment. These goals may include areas like mental health, work, physical health, relationships, and other areas. 

In addition, family therapy provides the necessary education and support to help family members of patients dealing with the condition. As well, social skills training helps schizophrenic clients learn to improve communication and be able to participate better in daily activities and social interactions.

Residential Treatment Centers for Schizophrenia in Nashville

Do you know someone who needs help dealing with their schizophrenia? Arbor Wellness provides excellent care at our schizophrenia treatment centers. We provide effective therapy modalities and medications that allow people to experience fewer symptoms of schizophrenia. We help them to enjoy better control of their lives and work with their families to provide a support system.

If you would like to know more about how our schizophrenia program works, visit our admissions page now.

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