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Can I Go To Urgent Care for Mental Health Treatment?

Can I go to urgent care for anxiety or other mental health symptoms? If so, how can I know when urgent care is the right choice – and where can I find this level of treatment? If you’ve been seeking answers to these types of questions, today’s post is for you.

Can I Go to Urgent Care for Mental Health Treatment?

When most people hear the words “mental health treatment,” they probably first think about counseling sessions or long-term care scenarios such as inpatient facilities or outpatient centers. These are undoubtedly excellent options in many cases – but what happens when you’re having a mental health crisis and you need help immediately? Can you go to urgent care for mental health treatment?

Though you may have thought that urgent care facilities were only for injuries or physical illnesses, you can also receive mental health treatment (primarily assessment, crisis intervention, and stabilization services) at the urgent care level. 

Depending on the nature of your mental health needs, the professional who treats you on an urgent care basis may also refer you to another provider for extended treatment.

Can I Go to Urgent Care for Anxiety?

If you have been wondering, can I go to urgent care for anxiety symptoms, the answer is yes. 

As we alluded to in the previous section, urgent care isn’t designed for the extended services that can help you learn to manage your symptoms – but if you are in the midst of an anxiety-related mental health crisis, an urgent care center near you may be the best source of safety and short-term relief.

Urgent care may also be the right choice for people who are experiencing acute symptoms of several other mental health disorders, such as:

Please note that this is by no means a comprehensive list of every type of disorder that might cause someone to need help from an urgent care. If you’re not sure if you can get the help you need at your local urgent care, call the facility directly. Explain the types of symptoms you are experiencing and ask them if they can help. If they’re not the right place for you, they should be able to refer you to a more appropriate resource.

How Can I Tell if I Need to Go to Urgent Care?

Whether you’ve been dealing with a physical health condition or a mental health disorder, it’s not always easy to determine if your symptoms are severe enough to require urgent care. 

From a mental health perspective, you may want to seek assistance at an urgent care center if you’ve been experiencing the following types of symptoms or effects:

  • Overwhelming fatigue and loss of appetite
  • Deep, pervasive sadness that has persisted for several days
  • Extended periods of anxiety, agitation, or irritability that have prevented you from working, attending school, or meeting other obligations
  • Dramatic changes in sleep patterns, including hypersomnia (sleeping much more than normal) or insomnia (inability get to sleep and stay asleep)
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or someone else

There’s no simple formula for determining if you should seek assistance at an urgent care for mental health concerns. But if the problem is undermining your ability to function, if it is causing you to fear for your continued well-being, and if you can’t wait for a scheduled appointment with a therapist or doctor, urgent care may be the optimal decision.

Where Can I Find Urgent Care for Mental Health Concerns?

Now that you know the answer to the question, can I go to urgent care for anxiety or other mental health concerns, your next question may be, where can I find this type of help? Depending on where you live, you may have several options, such as:

  • Standalone urgent care facilities: Some traditional (medical) urgent care centers have staff who are trained to assess and address patients’ mental health needs, while other centers are designed solely to provide psychological interventions.
  • Hospital emergency rooms: If there are no urgent care centers that offer mental health support services near you, you may need to go to a hospital emergency room. ER waiting rooms are often crowded (and sometimes chaotic), which may be a difficult environment for someone who is having a mental health crisis, so you may want to consider this when making your decision.
  • Emergency telehealth services: It may be possible for you to get urgent care without leaving your house. If you live in the United States, you can access the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing or texting 988 from any phone, or by visiting This free resource is staffed 24/7 by trained professionals who can assess your needs and connect you with appropriate services in your area.

More: Psych Ward vs Mental Hospital

Find the Mental Health Treatment You Need in Nashville

Once the mental health crisis that sent you to urgent care has subsided, it may be time to explore long-term treatment options. If you live in the Nashville, Tennessee, area, Arbor Wellness may have the services you need.

Our mental health treatment center offers multiple levels of customized care, including residential, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient programs. In each of these programs, your treatment may include a variety of therapies and support services, all provided by experienced professionals within a safe and welcoming environment.

Before committing, we invite you to take a tour of our facility to see firsthand how we prioritize your comfort and well-being.

Untreated mental illnesses can have a negative impact on virtually every part of your life. But when you get the care you need and the support you deserve, you can take great strides toward a much healthier and more hopeful future. When you’re ready to get started, the Arbor Wellness team is here for you.

To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Admissions page or call us today.